Internet of Things could Smart pillbox


Taiwan will become an aging society. The numbers of people with chronic disease are rapidly increasing. Old people with chronic disease usually take multiple drugs. Taking multiple drugs easily caused old people confused. Unfortunately, taking multiple drugs is a risk factor of poor drug compliance, even if patients use the "Pill-Box".

Our project proposes a "Smart Reminder Mechanism" and we want to develops a "Cloud IoT Smart Pill-Box " that can be used in homes or nursing homes. Our smart Pill-Box has wireless and cloud platforms such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The smart Pill-Box has detection mechanism to check that the patients take the medicine on time or not, and collect the data for further analysing. We want to find the best reminder mechanism and taking-drugs behavior by using the big data and machine learning. The traditional Pill-Box is lack of active-remind function. So our "Cloud IoT Smart Pill-Box " will be equipped speaker to remind old patients. In addition, our Smart Pill-Box will connect with Line to remind old patients and their family to taking medicine on time. "Cloud IoT Smart Pill-Box " will also connect with specific medical institution for recording the data in order to achive the goal of smart healthcare.



 Booth No. M633a 


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