Fast ABUS CADe system and multi-disease thorax x-ray CADx system with Clinical values


Product I : Fast ABUS CADe system

Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases in the female; early-stage detection can reduce breast cancer mortality. Our fast ABUS CADe system lessen the operator burden, minify the appraiser variance, and significantly reduce the detection time.


Four advantages of the Fast ABUS CADe system:


1. Fast one-take and one-stage ABUS CADe system

High detection rate, low FP, one-take, and one-stage breast tumor detection system.


2. Innovate of effective 3-D CNN based object detector

3-D CNN tumor detection model with the one-take and the one-stage architecture.


3. High accuracy and fast detection speed

In 98% sensitivity, only 2 false positives are generated and execution time is about 0.8 second per pass.


4. Robustness in small tumor detection

Effective detection of small tumors (i.e. diameter of tumor < 1.0 cm).



 Look for: Agents, healthcare providers, and AI hospital. Welcome to consult and collaboration.  


Product II : Multi-disease Thorax x-ray CADx system

The chest x-ray is one of the most common imaging examinations in clinical diagnosis on the lung. Our thorax x-ray CADx system is useful for diagnosing different thorax diseases, which has excellent diagnostic accuracy and reduces viewer variances.


Four advantages of the Thorax x-ray CADx system:


1. 14 thorax diseases diagnosis in one CADx system

Atelectasis, Consolidation, Infiltration, Pneumothorax, Edema, Emphysema, Fibrosis, Effusion, Pneumonia, Pleural thickening, Cardiomegaly, Nodule, Mass, and Hernia included.


2. Efficient image representation feature extractor

Extract representative image information.


3. Enhance the correlation between different thorax diseases

Fibrosis → Atelectasis, Pleural Effusion → Atelectasis.


4. Accurate diagnostic performance

Better diagnostic performance than SOTA (mean AUC = 0.8266).



 Look for: Agents, healthcare providers, and AI hospital.  


 Booth No. L826