Yourgene Health—Sage™ Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing


Sage™ Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing


Using the latest advances in DNA technology to detect cell free DNA in maternal blood which estimates the risk of a fetus having Down’s syndrome and other genetic diseases.



Non-invasive with no risk of miscarriage.



The Sage™ prenatal screen is one of the fastest NIPT's available with results available 3-5 days from sample receipt.



>99% detection for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, false positive rate is <1% and a low re-draw rate of <1%. Optional fetal sex determination is >99% accurate.



Uses just one 10mL maternal blood sample.


In depth:

In addition to the common trisomies 21, 18 and 13, a complete autosomal trisomy analysis is available upon request, along with sex chromosome aneuploidies and microdeletions.



Powered by Premaitha Health – a leading international quality provider of NIPT.



Customised analysis for clinicians and laboratories from full clinical service to local laboratory set-ups.



 Look for: 

Domestic and foreign Medical Institutions, Academic institutions


 Booth No.L311