新加坡 BioSpectrum Asia: Taiwan Health Industry provides revolutionary transformation


(Source: BioSpectrum Asia)


In this digital era, the global health industry is currently undergoing a revolutionary transformation process, and Taiwan has unique advantages in contributing a significant part to this transformation:

1. Advanced Medical Specialties-

Taiwan's world-class medical centers consistently offer exceptional niche medical services, with notable achievements in multiple specialties, including liver transplant, reconstructive surgery, reproductive health, minimally invasive surgery, and treatment of lung cancer. Taiwan's medical centers even serve as the training centers of choice across Asia for various specialties and procedures.


2. World's Tech Supply Chain-

Taiwan serves as the heart of the world’s tech supply chain, offering high-quality products from IC design, semiconductor, to electronics. Taiwan's leading IT and electronics manufacturers have been supplying products to multinational tech corporates for decades. Now they are the key drivers of healthcare innovation, accelerating AI, IoT and robotic applications for the entire healthcare and biomedical industry.


3. New Drug Development-

Taiwan's pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing capabilities are of international standards. Currently there are multiple FDA approved new drugs for the treatment of AIDS, pancreas cancer, kidney disease, and infectious disease that were developed in Taiwan - making Taiwan a leader in Asia's new drug development.


Centered around “Medicine X Technology” as the key driver, 2018 Taiwan Healthcare+ Expo will gather multi-national tech giants and showcase the latest medical advancements and applications of state of the art technologies to healthcare. The expo is being conducted from 29th November to 2nd December 2018 at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center.


Taiwan Health Industry provides revolutionary transformation