World First Ultrasound Based Detection for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in 10 Minutes for Awake Patients



AmCad creates a world’s first ultrasound based obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) detection for awake patients in 10 minutes, AmCAD®-UO. With laser-guided positioning and automated ultrasound scanning device, AmCAD®-UO can precisely scan upper airway and analyze the gap between normal breathing and Müller Maneuver. AmCAD®-UO system standardizes ultrasound transducer scanning to make the assessment more consistent and avoid high operator dependent variations.



With laser-guided positioning, AmCAD-UO can precisely scan upper airway and analyze the gap between normal breathing and Müller Maneuver models. AmCAD-UO system standardizes ultrasound transducer scanning to reduce intra-observer variations and make the assessment consistent.



  • Visit booth No. S524 for more information about AmCad BioMed Corporation (The subsidiary of Maywufa Healthcare Group)

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