New Usage:Repurposing drugs as Pioneers of COVID-19 Prevention Production and Promotion in General Pharmaceutical Company-TBC


New Usage:Repurposing drugs as Pioneers of COVID-19 Prevention Production and Promotion in General Pharmaceutical Company-TBC
Taiwan Biotech Co., Ltd


Founded in 1945, Taiwan Biotech is the first general pharmaceutical company in Taiwan with 75 year history. Our core products and competences include BFS (Blow-Fill-Seal, the aseptic liquid filling method), and TDDS (transdermal drug delivery system). We also have dedicated facilities for Cephalosporin production. Furthermore, our innovative and patent manufacturing processes make it possible to combine a targeted therapy with a new radiotherapy. Those professional and innovative capabilities allow us to provide a valuable assistance to global pandemic prevention.

During the pandemic era, we are willing to distribute any potential medicine having positive effect to Covid-19 treatment to the world, including Hydroxychloroquine, Dexamethasone, Meropenem, and Epinephrine, etc.


Epidemic Prevention Advantage:
1. We can provide comprehensive and complete production orders for epidemic prevention drugs.
2. We can accept OEM and ODM requests for higher concentration and effectiveness.
3. We can assist in the development of innovative disease-preventing medical products and facilitate the development of production and distribution channels.
4. We apply "GMP quality control standards" throughout the manufacturing process to protect the rights and interests of consumers.
5. We adopt agile production, information-toward thinking and standard operating procedures to reduce production costs and provide feedback to customers.