Biofabricated the patient-specific cancer-on-a-chip system for medical prediction


Cancer is the leading cause of death with an average of one person dying of cancer every eight minutes worldwide. However, the patient-specific therapy is the pursing answer for all cancer experts. The formation and transfer pattern of cancer is diverse for different cancer types and different patients.


Cancer-on-a-chip reflects the tumor microenvironment and organ functions. This helps Physicians to find the patient-specific drugs and make effective treatments for patients. By using patient’s cell and microenvironment to detect and find out the best medicine, Physician can treat and kill the cancer precisely. In the end, save the patient and save the time.


The final goal of Cancer-on-a-chip

A cancer decision making assisting tool

Provide guideline for patient-specific treatment

Validation for new drug discovery and efficacy


  1. Using patient tumors to process the drug screening
  2. Rapid, precision, and patient-specific cancer treatment strategy
  3. 10 times reduction drug discovery time and cost
  4. Broad usability than NGS, and more efficiency and precise than PDX



 Look for: 

Universities, Research Organizations, Pharmaceutical and BioTech Companes.


OrTC for Cervical Cancer

OrTC for Lung Cancer

OrTC for Breast Cancer

OrTC for Colonocal Cancer

