Minimally invasive device for carpal tunnel syndrome release Let your hands relax and no burden!


Carpal tunnel syndrome is that the median nerve compression within the "carpal tunnel" enclosed by the carpal bone and the support band (transverse ligament). When the median nerve is compressed, it will cause numbness, swelling, pain, and even muscle atrophy. It's so bothering!


According to statistics, the prevalence rate of this disease is about 4.9%. Depending on the working environment, it may be as high as 15%. It is roughly estimated that there are about 100,000 people in Taiwan affected by this disease. The mainstay of carpal tunnel syndrome treatment is rest and rehabilitation. If conservative treatment fails, traditional open decompression surgery will be needed. However, the traditional open surgery needs large wound and more time to heal and come back to work. The improvement of the decompression surgery is required.


This mini CTS releaser can provide a new minimally invasive carpal tunnel decompression surgery!



 ◇ Its ergonomic design is convenient for doctors to operate, and the limited piece is designed to fix the transverse ligament to avoid excessive cutting!

 ◇ The guiding device can protect the median nerve and ligaments to avoid accidental injury by the knife!

 ◇ Can be combined with endoscopes!

 ◇ Provide a convenient and safe surgical operations, to reduce surgical time, surgical wounds, and shorten patient recovery time!




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agents/distributors in various countries, clinical medical institutions/physicians for consultation and cooperation

