



The Xema Corporate Group was founded as private start-up in Moscow 25 years ago, manufacturing the human serum products and antigens. Now, our group has established worldwide sister companies in Belorussia, Ukraine, Finland, China and Malaysia. Our product of antibodies, antigens, ELISA & LF test kits, and our biological services have been sold globally with annual sale of more than 7 million dollars in 2017.
Xema owns a large industrial hybridoma and microbial producent collection, animal facilities, protein purification and kit assembly units. We are able to provide key immunoassay reagents – monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, purified natural and recombinant antigens (human, animal, food), and conjugates with HRPO, biotin or fluorescent dyes. We are also able to meet your requests of bulk orders with a capacity of over 20 000 ELISA kits and more than 1 g of single monoclonal antibody per month. Our IVD kit development, production and sales has been certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 since 2003.
We are proud to maintain vigorous research work and be at the edge in the area of biochemistry and immunology being a member of scientific societies (ISOBM, ASCO, AACC, AOAC).
Our product development is focused on the following topics:
1, Xema Medical IVD: test for determination of tumor markers, hormones, infections, pre- and neonatal screening, allergy and food intolerance, humoral immunity, quality control sera for immunoassays, etc.
2, Xema Food & Environment Testing: tests to determine food constituents and food contaminants - antibiotics, fungi/fungal toxins, adulteration markers, Special attention is paid to develop Halal check methods (detection of porcine meat, fat and blood, alcohol in food/beverages/cosmetics) for Muslim population. Our food allergy antibodies and kits targeted for most important food allergen, including peanuts and fish.
3, Xema Veterinary Diagnostic: immunoassays for hormones, and tumor markers for pets and cattle. Apart of laboratory tests, we offer simple pet animal urine tests for home use.


科懋集團投入罕見及特殊疾病的新藥開發及醫學檢驗技術已逾20 年,2016 年科懋集團在新竹生醫園區成立乙型轉化生長因子(TGF-β)研究中心,TGF-β參與許多疾病的機制,包括急慢性傷口癒合、自體免疫疾病及發炎、肝硬化、肺臟纖維化、癌症、粥狀動脈硬化及各種神經退化疾病,是新藥開發重要的標的。TGF-β研究中心進行新藥開發計畫,篩選TGF-β抑制劑或促進劑,作為治療相關疾病的候選藥物。繼TGF-β研究中心進駐南港國家生技研究園區後,2020 年科懋集團擴編罕見疾病領域研究團隊,在國家生技研究園區另成立亞太罕見和特殊疾病研究中心,聚焦在基因及代謝異常疾病,投入精準醫療檢測、流行病學研究、新藥及嶄新醫療的開發。同時我們也在台灣最高研究機構,如中央研究院、國家衛生研究院,以及各大醫學研究中心尋求共同研發的策略聯盟和夥伴。我們的目標是在台灣建立世界級的TGF-β及特殊疾病研究中心,並擴展我們的服務至全亞洲地區。



2016 " 笙創 " Phoenix全自動PRP收集設備上市,主要治療肌骨類疾病例如:關節炎,也應用於脊柱手術中,並逐漸導入醫學中心,2017年用於治療台灣奧運國手,良好的修復效果,在運動醫學領域建立口碑。2020年 ''笙創'' Rhea全自動生物活化因子系統上市,專注眼科、傷口護理及醫學美容領域。



分子檢測相關儀器用於核酸檢測上: 1) 自動化核酸萃取儀, 2) 半自動核酸萃取儀, 3)核酸萃取試劑


New biomarker to improve patient care


Miltenyi Biotec 致力推展細胞治療產業自動化,無論是符合GMP生產級別的原材料或是相應的自動化設備,皆可為細胞治療所需帶來全方位的解決方案。


生醫實驗室製程自動化整合設計、委託代工設計 (ODM)、製造 (OEM) 及銷售等服務
細胞分離 (檢體純化)、培養、檢測、藥篩等生技製程之自動化整合服務。
總代理: 原能細胞-全系列全自動深低溫生物樣本存儲系統

