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ELECLEAN DISINFECTION SPRAY, Anti-bacterial hand cream,Soothing mind Essential oil blend,SEEP Anti bacterial hand care mist, Gift set.


ELVIS 起源於義大利米蘭省馬真塔區的一個小城鎮,氣候涼爽適宜種植棉花,中古時期成為專司進貢皇家寢飾的主要產地,古典高雅質感著稱,進而成為歐洲皇室貴族喜愛之典雅寢飾。 2008年│ ELVIS以嚴謹技藝與美學設計進入台灣並與在地工廠合作,推出時尚美學兼具助眠機能之宿舍寢具供應各大專院校成為指定合作品牌 2020年│ ELVIS結合中西醫學的睡眠研究提倡保健與機能,從研發設計,嚴選用料,專業分工,細節講究,獨享深層睡眠感 2022年│ 隨著COVID-19疫情肆虐,ELVIS加強防護於紡織品,結合歐洲醫學研究認證機構,推出防疫BIOME抗病毒2.0專利技術、比利時PUROTEX益生菌抗過敏技術專利、法國Greenfirst天然防螨防蚊技術。 ELVIS愛菲斯機能寢飾,讓居家安全多一道防護。

Energy Resources International Co. Ltd , Hsinchu Branch

a. Handheld Dental X ray machine (AG100)
License: Taiwan QMS, ISO 13485, TFDA, FDA
1. Battery-powered design
2. Compact, portable
3. Extreme low radiation dosage and leakage
4. High image quality
5. Backscatter shield provided to prevent operator from radiation exposure

b. CVXair - Portable X ray unit for Chest and Extremities :
License: Taiwan QMS submitted (2022/06)
1. First development of X ray machine for extremities and chest screening
2. Lightest portable X ray unit in the world, only 3.2 KG
3. Can be used in far distancing tele-medicine or home care environment
4. Can be cleaned and disinfected by plastic bag wearing and removal
5. Low radiation and low leakage
6. Use a stand/bracket system, it is easy to set up in different location

EnSense CO., LTD.

Medical devices and components supply: differential pressure sensors, flow sensors, micropumps, temperature and humidity sensors...etc.


The RETINA is a stereotactic surgery navigation system for Neurosurgery, Craniofacial, E.N.T., Plastic Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and other types of minimally invasive surgical applications.

The RETINA combines intelligent medical technologies and services which can integrate digital medical imaging for better surgical accuracy. It is compatible with many instruments already used in the OR, which have become a perfect complement while working during surgery. The RETINA also reduces unnecessary tissue injuries, to aid in minimally invasive surgeries, improve surgical quality, and reduce the risk of surgical complications, which provide overall better medical service for patients.

EPROB Robotic Arm + AI is an advanced surgical system that performs robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery. The robotic arm is controlled through precise coordinates and parameters processed through a navigation system where surgeons have full manageability of the instruments required in various types of brain surgeries.

EPROB Robotic Arm + AI is an innovation in which the surgeon, guided by its experience, performs minimally invasive procedures better and faster by reducing human-related errors which could cause complications. The system delivers highly magnified and 3D high-definition views of the surgical area, allowing surgeons to guide instruments through a single small incision during surgery.

Ever Supreme Bio Technology Co.,Ltd.

New cell drug company on all therapies-Ever Supreme Biotechnology Co., LTD.
New Drug Development:
Focus on immune cell therapies (CAR-T、ADCV、DC-CIK、CIK、GDT)treating cancers and umbilical mesenchymal stem cell treating myocardial infarction, stroke, COVID-19 and other major diseases.
Cell Therapy CMO:
Ever Supreme offers the cell products (ADCV、DC-CIK、CIK、GDT and BMSC) needed by medical institution under the Regulations Governing Specific Cellular Therapeutic Technology of 2018 promogulated by Taiwan FDA.

EverFortune.AI Co., Ltd.

Ever Fortune.AI develops groundbreaking technology to enhance medical workflow and boost patient outcomes in a range of specialties, with a focus in oncology, neurology, cardiovascular and other diseases, as well as the use of digital medicine, and precision medicine. Our vision is to go beyond medicine, and bring solutions to experts anytime, anywhere.

EXCELsior Pharmatech

Excelsior group has been dedicated to specialty medicines and medical examinations in rare diseases for more than 2 decades. In 2016, Excelsior group established a TGF-beta research center and start up new drug development projects to screen new drug candidates of enhancers and inhibitors targeting at TGF-beta activities in various diseases, such as wound healing, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, liver cirrhosis, pulmonary fibrosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer treatments. In 2020, Excelsior group is expanding our team in the field of rare diseases and establish a new research center of specific diseases aim at genetic and metabolic disorders in National Biotechnology Research Park, NBRP. In NBRP, we are investing in precision medical testing, epidemiology study, new drug development, and novel therapeutic technologies in various rare diseases. Besides, we are also looking for more strategic alliances with Academia Sinica, National Health Research Institute and leading medical centers in Taiwan. Our aim is to establish a world-class laboratories in the research of TGF-beta and specific diseases and extend our services to Asian populations.

Exland Biotechnology Inc.

Exland Biotechnology Inc. from Taiwan is the manufacturer, suppliers, and exporter of functional plant extracts. Our R&D department is staffed with the professional and experienced experts in plants and traditional herbs. We are committed to produce plant extracts and traditional herbs extracts in more than 10 years.

With patented Super Dash® high efficiency extraction technologies Exland Biotechnology Inc. is able to purify active ingredients in a short period of time. By utilizing pure water extraction, our products have ZERO organic solvent residues. It’s better and healthier for the body.

We cooperate with the leading food companies worldwide, manufactured more than 100 high quality plant extracts and serve as a professional OEM/ODM extraction company in Taiwan.