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ZOLL Data Manager System (ZDMS) integrates ZOLL defibrillator in all units in the hospital. Whether in wards, ICUs, operating rooms, emergency rooms, and inspection centers, they can receive the daily discharge test records of the defibrillator. Any whwere Dr. & Nurse watch the defibrillator discharge test records, receive abnormal active notification messages, grasp the latest status of each defibrillator, and achieve paperless in the whole hospital.

Formosa Association for the Promotion of Oral Biotechnology and Medical Devices

Formosa Association for the Promotion of Oral Biotechnology and Medical Devices

Fu Jun Biomedical Co., Ltd

Taiwan Fu Jun Biomedical Co., Ltd is a high-tech medical device manufacturer. We have Taiwan GMP qualified plant and manufacture LLLT (low level laser therapy) medical device. Hope we can help patients be free from suffering and have a better life!

G&E Herbal Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

1.Botanical Healthcare Product(G&E series)
2.Botanical Anti-aging Cosmetics(GlitEr series)

Galaxy Software Services

GSS has been deeply involved in the medical industry for many years and continues to provide e-solutions for the medical industry, from medical evaluation management to data warehousing, medical data analysis, and KPI management. In recent years, GSS has also launched a dialogue service platform, hoping to assist the digital optimization of the medical industry.

Vitals KPIM is a complete solution for systematic, automated and visualize of KPI. Improving the efficiency of hospital management and control of medical quality.

iota C.ai Conversational platform provides enterprises with a high-quality and fast dialogue IT service, and help enterprises step into dialogue technology applications with a friendly method.

Vitals HAS includes nine modules including health insurance declaration, personnel, quality, medical affairs, etc. Provide hospitals improve service performance and quality.

GeneOne Diagnostics Corporation

GeneOne Diagnostics Corporation has excellent R&D and independent production capabilities in vitro diagnostic reagents.In response to market demand, rapid development of diagnostic reagents and rapid screening reagents; in the early stage of the outbreak of the COVID-19, manpower was immediately invested in the development, and in a short period of time, Taiwan's EUA (Emergency Use Authorization, EUA) and CE certification was obtained.
In addition to its own R&D capacity, we can also be produced in accordance with customer needs. The product items range from research-use Molecular Biology reagents and IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic Devices, IVD), and all provide OEM and ODM services.


The Giant Group consists of the Giant Group Law Firm, the Giant Group International Patent, Trademark & Law Office, and the Giant Group Certified Public Accountant. Well engaged in the general corporate practice including civil litigation, criminal litigation, company investment, banking and finance, labor and employment, patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets and other fields.

Global Vision International Co.Ltd.

Global V Multifunctional service robot 5G is already here, Global Vision introduced six differents smart multifunctional service robots for being your best AI partner. Each robot has different features depends on your own needs and requirements. Features of Global V ROBOTICS: -Delivers differentiation and innovation between the same trade -No timing restriction for working -Providing high quality Standardized service to customer Global V ROBOTICS - Your best AI partner.

Golden Grande Corp

Medical facemask